6 Quick Tips To Help You Learn How To Code

Learn how to code!


9/25/20233 min read

quick tips to learn how to code
quick tips to learn how to code

Computer programming is said to be one of the top ten hardest skills to learn. In fact, only 30% of people who set out to do it actually accomplish the goal 🤯. So what sets the 30% apart? Many would like to think it’s down to a high IQ, only attainable at birth, something out of reach for the masses, but this is not the case. You can definitely be in that 30%. It's not about some crazy intellect, but all about your approach.

In this post, I will take you through 6 key tips you can use to make learning how to code easier.


🎯Know Your Why

🎯Set SMART Goals

🎯Turn Learning How To Code Into A Habit

🎯Join Coding Communities

🎯Develop The Right Mindset

🎯Build Things

1. Know Your Why

Your WHY is the reason you’ve decided to learn how to code 🤔. This may be to get a better income, increase your and your family's wellbeing, or adopt a new hobby. Knowing your "why" will be your secret weapon 🔑 against difficult times and the nasty bugs that will come when learning how to code. My why was that I enjoyed programming and desired a life where I was pursuing a career I genuinely enjoyed. This allowed me to push through difficulties as I knew I was working towards something bigger and it would eventually pay off (and it did!). Jot down your "why" 📝, stick it somewhere visible, and remind yourself daily.

2. Set SMART Goals

I am almost certain that you know what a SMART goal is; goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

For example:

A bad goal would be:

❌ "I want to learn HTML and CSS."

With goals like these, you're more likely to procrastinate or give up. You want to make learning as easy as possible.

Instead, try:

✔️ "I want to learn HTML and CSS within 2 weeks.

There are 20 lessons on my Codecademy course. I will do 2 lessons (1 hour) each day during weekdays and review any content on the weekends.

I will know this goal is fully attained once I am able to create a static landing page using this knowledge."

By breaking this down, we not only have a clear vision, but also a clear route to follow in order to get to it 📍.

Steer clear of vague goals!

3. Turn Learning How To Code Into A Habit

Building daily non-negotiables when learning how to code allows you to form a habit 🧱. This enables consistency which is the main component of learning any skill. In my case, I set myself the habit of coding/learning for at least 30 minutes EACH day 🕕. This could be reading an article or contributing to a project. The more I did it, the more it became natural to me and soon, I found it a natural instinct to fit coding into my day. By forming a habit around it, you remove the mental energy 🧠 required and increase the ease - which is ultimately what we are trying to do.

4. Join Coding Communities

"If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." - An African Proverb

If you are anything like me, I found it quite isolating learning how to code. I entered this new world and had no one to share my enthusiasm or talk tech with 🤝🏻. This is why it's necessary to join a tech community. There you can meet people on a similar journey to you and get encouragement as well as guidance. Go to networking events, reach out to people on LinkedIn 💻, anything to make sure you’re in regular contact with those on the same journey as you.

5. Develop The Right Mindset

"As a man thinketh, so is he" - this famous line from the Bible is pivotal in any situation 📢. If you don't think you can learn how to code, you’ve already limited yourself before you’ve started. You need to develop a mindset that allows you to be certain that you will learn 🧠. Learning to code might not be a breeze, but you can easily acquire the tools and determination to conquer it. Your mindset shapes your reality. Shift gears and believe in yourself. No more "I can't." It's all about "I can, and I will.”

6. Build Things

Doing projects is something you should be doing alongside your learning 🛠️. Projects are a great way to test your learning, track your progress, and learn even more!

The projects you build can then be used to display your coding abilities and competence to potential employers during your job search. There are a range of projects you can do; find some here.

I hope these tips provide some guidance when it comes to learning how to code. Remember that it is 100% doable.

Visit my previous post where we delve into career changing!

Until next time,


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